
I think how plants reproduce is a very complicated process and the structure of the plant ,, can anyone please give me a help and show me how plants reproduce cause my sats are coming and I'm in Grade 9

Thanks and I will be grateful to you

You are right, it is complicated. You need to do some reading. The encyclopedia would be a good start, if you do not have a good text. You need to explore asexual and sexual reproduction.

Thankyou very muck Mr. Bobb , I read enough and I'm going to explain what I have learned , and please see if am I right with what I will explain

A plant has a male part and a female part. The male part contains the filament , on top of it would be the anther and all of this is called ( stamen).

For the female part , there would be the ovary which contains the egg cells called ovules.

What happens is , the pollen which is the male cell is produced over the anther. An insect such as a bee would go from one plant to another searching for nectar. As the bee explores the plant , it's body would rub onto the anther which wold make the pollen stick into it's legs. When the bee visits another plant , the pollen would fall from the bee and woould stick onto the stigma which is the stcky part on the ovary. this is called pollination. A tube is made right through the ovary as the pollen slides in and gets inside to join with the ovule. This is called fertilization. then a seed id made in the ovary and would grow as a fruit or vegetable.

As for seed dispersal , it might be dispersed by wind , or an animal or by water or even an explosion.

That's what I have learned today but my question is

Why is it preferable for a pollen to be pollinated to another plant other than it's own plant ?

thankyou for the advice Sir

By being pollinated by other plants, things occur:
1) A greater variety of plants (from different parents) will exist, so that there is more variation in the plant population to find a way to meet unexpected unfavorable conditions.
2) By cross pollinization, favorable genetic material can be dispersed through the population: Plants that have favorable genetic structure tend to reproduce more, so they take over.
3) Genes which are recessive are prone not to become dominate plants when crosspollinated, thus genetic suseptability is minimized by cross pollinization.

You did not mention reproduction Asexually (Vegatative). It is important in the plant kingdom.

Mr Bob I'am sorry but I think your reply has bigger words than what I know, so can you make it simple for me to understand



THakyou Sir

But is the paragraph show my understanding ~

Yes, you have shown a good understanding of how plants reproduce. Your explanation of the male and female parts of a plant, the process of pollination, fertilization, and seed dispersal is correct.

Now, to answer your question about why it is preferable for pollen to be pollinated to another plant rather than its own plant, let me simplify it for you:

When pollen from one plant fertilizes the ovule of another plant, it creates offspring that have a different combination of genes. This leads to greater genetic diversity in the plant population.

Having greater genetic diversity is important because it allows plants to adapt better to different environmental conditions. If all the plants have the same genetic makeup, they might all be susceptible to the same diseases, pests, or other unfavorable conditions. By cross-pollination with different plants, there is a higher chance of producing offspring with beneficial traits that can survive and thrive in different conditions.

So, by being pollinated by other plants, it increases the chances of having a variety of plants with different genetic traits, making the population stronger and more resilient to changing environments.