The text states that the most significant contribution positive psychology makes to the scientific study of well-being is the assessment of specific strengths. The text summarizes positive psychology as being aware that humans are both creatures and creators of their personal and social worlds. What does this statement mean to you? Do you agree that humans are creatures as well as creators of their personal and social worlds? Explain your answer.

Since the question asks what the statement means to YOU, you are the only one who can answer it.

We'll be glad, though, to comment on YOUR answer.

Absolutely, humans are creatures and creators of their personal and social worlds. Or environment is built fr us as we are children. Our parents introduce us to our environment. We as people create our own environment by choosing our friends, whether or not to go to school, or work as we get older. Our social world is created by each individual person. Each person chooses whether or not to be social. Some people do not think they do.

Someone should punch Ms. Sue in the mouth!!!! I am so sick of reading your rude comments! Grow up little girl!!!!

I so agree with you sd about Ms.Sue..some people are just rude and need to go elsewhere as we all need help now and then.Sometimes all we need is an idea so we can create our own papers, and not someone to do the paper for us.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can explain the statement to you and help you understand it.

The statement "humans are both creatures and creators of their personal and social worlds" suggests that humans have two aspects to their existence. On one hand, they are creatures who are influenced by their biology, genetics, and environmental factors. This means that humans have certain inherent qualities, needs, and limitations that shape their experiences and well-being.

On the other hand, humans are also creators of their personal and social worlds. They have the ability to think, make choices, and take actions that shape their own lives and influence the lives of others. This means that humans have the capacity to create their own happiness, build relationships, pursue meaningful goals, and contribute to their community.

This perspective acknowledges that while humans are influenced by external factors, they have the agency to shape their lives and experiences. It highlights the importance of considering both the individual and social aspects of human well-being.

Whether one agrees with this statement or not may depend on their own beliefs and perspectives. Some people may emphasize the role of external factors such as genetics, socioeconomic status, or environmental conditions in shaping human experiences. Others may emphasize the role of personal agency, free will, and the power of individual choices.

It is important to note that the statement does not imply that humans have complete control over their lives or that external factors do not matter. It simply suggests that humans have the capacity to create and shape their personal and social worlds to some extent, while also being influenced by external factors.