John earns a commission of $175 ON SALES OF $3000. How much does he earn on sales of $6500.

(6500/3000) * 175 = ?

Or... if you have been taught to set it up as a proportional situation you have

Commission/sales = commission/sales
Steve just showed you the work once you have already got your proportional situation arranged : ) The question shows $175/$3000 and you need to know the commission for $6500 in sales...
$175/$3000 = Commission/$6500
So solve for Commission just as Steve did by multiplying both sides by 6500 : )

To determine how much John earns on sales of $6500, let's first find the commission rate he earns based on the given information.

The commission rate can be calculated by dividing the commission earned by the sales amount. In this case, John earns a commission of $175 on sales of $3000.

Commission rate = (Commission / Sales) = $175 / $3000 = 0.0583 (rounded to four decimal places)

Now we can calculate how much John would earn on sales of $6500 by multiplying the sales amount by the commission rate.

Earnings on sales of $6500 = Sales amount x Commission rate = $6500 x 0.0583 = $379.95 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, John would earn approximately $379.95 on sales of $6500.