Which options accurately identify an issue that could arise if no ethical guidelines were in place to guide the way research studies are presented to the public?

(Select all that apply)

Scientists could refuse to publish results they do not like.

The publishers of journals could charge whatever fee they wanted for copies of research papers.

Research results that interfere with the ability of companies to make money could be withheld.

Political ideals could influence the research that is published


The options that accurately identify issues that could arise if no ethical guidelines were in place to guide the way research studies are presented to the public are:

A) Scientists could refuse to publish results they do not like.
B) The publishers of journals could charge whatever fee they wanted for copies of research papers.
C) Research results that interfere with the ability of companies to make money could be withheld.
D) Political ideals could influence the research that is published.

So, the correct options are A, B, C, and D.

The correct options that accurately identify an issue that could arise if no ethical guidelines were in place to guide the way research studies are presented to the public are A, C, and D.

A. Scientists could refuse to publish results they do not like: Without ethical guidelines, scientists may choose to suppress or not publish research findings that they disagree with or that do not align with their personal beliefs or interests. This can lead to biased and incomplete dissemination of scientific knowledge.

C. Research results that interfere with the ability of companies to make money could be withheld: In the absence of ethical guidelines, there is a risk that research findings that have negative implications for commercial interests may be withheld or manipulated to protect those interests. This can compromise the integrity and reliability of scientific research.

D. Political ideals could influence the research that is published: Without ethical guidelines, political biases and ideologies could potentially influence which research studies get published and which ones are suppressed. This can lead to biased interpretations and hinder scientific progress.

B. The publishers of journals could charge whatever fee they wanted for copies of research papers is not directly related to the issue of research study presentation ethics. While journal fees can be a separate concern related to accessibility and affordability of scientific knowledge, it is not directly related to the presentation of research studies to the public.

Therefore, the correct options are A, C, and D.