Owners of a recreation area are filling a small pond with water. They are adding water at a rate of 25 liters per minute. There are 700 liters in the pond to start. Let W represent the amount of water in the pond (in liters), and let T represent the number of minutes that water has been added. Write an equation relating w to T, and then graph your equation.

How would I graph this? The equation should be in fraction form, if possible.

constant change with time so straight line of constant slope

at T = 0, w = 700 so (0,700) is on the line
slope = 25liters/min
w = m T + b
w = 25 T + 700

To graph the equation relating W to T, we need to find a linear equation that represents the relationship between the water in the pond and the amount of time that water has been added.

We know that the owners are adding water at a rate of 25 liters per minute, and there are initially 700 liters in the pond.

So, for every minute that passes, the amount of water in the pond increases by 25 liters. This can be represented by the equation:

W = 25T + 700

Now let's graph this equation.

To graph the equation W = 25T + 700, we can plot a few points on a coordinate plane using different values of T and then connect them with a straight line.

Let's choose some values of T and calculate the corresponding values of W:

When T = 0, W = 25(0) + 700 = 700
When T = 1, W = 25(1) + 700 = 725
When T = 2, W = 25(2) + 700 = 750
When T = 3, W = 25(3) + 700 = 775

Plotting these points (0, 700), (1, 725), (2, 750), (3, 775) on the coordinate plane, we can connect them with a straight line.

The x-axis represents the number of minutes (T), and the y-axis represents the amount of water in the pond (W).