A plane wave propagating along the positive z axis in vacuum is polarized along the y axis at a frequency of 3 GHz. Write the phasor of the E field, H field and Poynting vector.

Isn't a phasor the same regardless of the field it is on? Like E, H or Poynting?
How can I compute the phasor?


* Physics - bobpursley yesterday at 3:06pm

yes, if it is polarized along one plane. you know of course, H, and Poynting are different directions.

* Physics - Waves - AEC yesterday at 4:25pm

I'm having trouble determining its directions, how can I find them?

You are so useful man, you can't imagine how grateful I am.


I'm still having issues with this, could someone help? Thank you so much

I don't see the issue here. Assign E in the y direction, B then in the x direction, and S=EXH or the z direction.

Alright in this case it is true, I can define it, but in my other question, where I have the coordinates in polar, how can I change everything to cartisian?

Of course, I'd be happy to help you understand how to compute the phasor for the given problem.

To compute the phasor for the electric (E) field, magnetic (H) field, and Poynting vector, we first need to understand the given information.

In this problem, we're dealing with a plane wave propagating along the positive z axis in vacuum, which is polarized along the y axis. The frequency of the wave is given as 3 GHz.

To compute the phasor for the E field, H field, and Poynting vector, we can start by using the general equation for a plane wave:

E(z, t) = E0 * exp[i(kz - ωt)]
H(z, t) = H0 * exp[i(kz - ωt)]
S(z, t) = E0 * H0 * exp[i(kz - ωt)]

Here, E0 and H0 represent the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields respectively. k and ω represent the wave number and angular frequency of the wave.

To determine the phasor, we need to find the amplitude or magnitude and phase of each field component.

For the E field: Since the wave is polarized along the y axis, the E-field phasor would only have a y-component. The magnitude of the E-field phasor (E0) would depend on the given information or could be calculated using other parameters.

For the H field: The H-field phasor would be perpendicular to the E-field, which means it would have x and z components. Again, the magnitude of the H-field phasor (H0) would depend on the given information or could be determined using other parameters.

For the Poynting vector: The Poynting vector represents the direction and magnitude of energy flow. It is determined by the cross product of the E and H field vectors. In this case, the Poynting vector is in the direction of energy flow, which is the positive z-axis.

To summarize, to compute the phasor for the E field, H field, and Poynting vector, you need to determine the magnitudes and directions based on the given information or by calculating them using other parameters.

Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!