What is the reason given by the traditionalists for the presence of two creation narratives?

I think your assigned reading may have the answer that will be acceptable to your teacher. Various religious traditions interpret it in different ways. Some say the two versions in Genesis are complementary to each other, some say they contradict each other. I can offer you some further reading on the subject. One interpretation is that the first creation story describes the heavenly creation, the other the Earthly creation; two points of view.

If you are in a Christian school, there may be only one interpretation that is acceptable. If this is a more academic (impartial) study, your thoughts may be important to your teacher.


The traditionalists, who uphold the belief in the divine inspiration and authorship of the Bible, often provide a theological explanation for the presence of two creation narratives in the book of Genesis. According to their interpretation, the primary reason for this duality lies in the complementary nature of the accounts, each emphasizing different aspects of God's creative work.

To understand their reasoning in more detail, here's how you can explore it:

1. Study the texts: Start by reading and examining the two creation narratives found in the book of Genesis, specifically chapters 1 and 2. Take note of the differences in style, structure, and content.

2. Historical context: Consider the context in which these texts were written. Traditionalists argue that Genesis was compiled from various sources and originally intended for different audiences. They suggest that the presence of multiple creation stories represents an intentional effort to address different theological and spiritual perspectives prevalent at the time.

3. Symbolism and themes: Traditionalists often highlight the symbolic nature of the creation narratives. They assert that the emphasis on different themes, such as order and purpose in one account and the intimate relationship between God and humanity in the other, serves to provide a more comprehensive understanding of God's creative work.

4. Theological purpose: According to traditionalists, the two creation narratives collectively convey theological truths rather than presenting a strictly historical or scientific account. They argue that each story complements the other by offering unique insights into God's character, creation, and the relationship between God, humanity, and the natural world.

5. Divine authorship: Traditionalists assert that the presence of two creation narratives is evidence of divine authorship and the intentionality of God. They believe that God inspired the inclusion of both accounts to communicate His message through distinct perspectives, ensuring a multifaceted understanding of Creation.

It's essential to note that these viewpoints come from a specific theological perspective. Other scholars and interpreters may offer alternative explanations or understandings of the presence of two creation narratives in Genesis. Therefore, exploring different interpretations and engaging in scholarly discussions will provide a more comprehensive understanding of this topic.