Currently citing a bibliography of Martin Luther King Jr as a Civil Rights Leader. I just can't find many sites that have exactly what I'm looking for. I need to know about what he did, what he did as a Civil rights leader. I keep on finding the same information about the March on Washington, but I need more. Do any tutors have links to sites (other than Groiler Online, I need another online source and used Groiler already) that have a lot of facts about Dr. King as a civil rights leader? Thank you! I may have not explained this properly =(

See if some of these sites are useful.

Thanks Ms. Sue, I'll check the sites out and read them, hopefully they will help me :)

You're welcome.

I understand that you are looking for online sources with comprehensive information about Martin Luther King Jr as a civil rights leader for your bibliography. Here are some steps you can take to find the information you need:

1. Start with a reputable search engine: Begin by using a reliable search engine such as Google or Bing. These search engines are likely to provide you with a wide range of sources to explore.

2. Use specific search terms: To find more detailed and specific information about Martin Luther King Jr's role as a civil rights leader, try using specific search terms. For example, instead of searching for "Martin Luther King Jr," try using "Martin Luther King Jr civil rights activism" or "Martin Luther King Jr involvement in civil rights movement."

3. Filter search results: Once you have your search results, you can use various filters to refine them. You may want to filter by website domain (e.g., .edu, .gov) to find more reliable and academic sources, or you can filter by published date to focus on recent information.

4. Explore academic databases: Another option is to search academic databases that provide scholarly articles and resources. Examples of such databases include JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, and ProQuest. Most educational institutions have access to these databases through their libraries, so you may want to check if you can access them.

5. Check reputable online libraries: Many reputable libraries have extensive collections online. Some examples include the Library of Congress, The British Library, and the Digital Public Library of America. These library websites often have curated collections and primary sources related to Martin Luther King Jr.

6. Utilize social media and online communities: You can also make use of social media platforms and online communities that focus on the civil rights movement or history in general. Reddit has a dedicated subreddit called r/CivilRightsMovement where you can ask for recommended sources, and Twitter can also be a useful resource by following historians or organizations specializing in civil rights.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find by considering their credibility, authors' qualifications, and any potential biases. Additionally, be sure to properly cite and reference any information you use from these sources in your bibliography.