in triangle SET, ES is congruent to ET, measure angle S = 4x - 6 and measure angle T = 3x + 3. Find the measurement of angle S, angle E, and angle T

Angle E and Angle T should be equal.

So, angle E = angle T = 3x + 3.

Sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degree.

angle S + angle E + angle T = 180;
or, (4x-6) + (3x+3) + (3x+3) = 180;
or, 10x = 180;
or, x = 18 degree.

Put the value of x in the provided equations and you get all the angle values.

To find the measurements of angles S, E, and T in triangle SET, we can use the information given about the congruent sides and the measures of angles S and T.

1. Given: ES ≅ ET (Congruent sides)
2. Measure of angle S = 4x - 6
3. Measure of angle T = 3x + 3

We know that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees. Therefore, we can set up an equation using the measures of angles S and T:

Angle S + Angle E + Angle T = 180

Substituting the given measures of angles S and T:

(4x - 6) + Angle E + (3x + 3) = 180

Simplifying the equation:

7x - 3 + Angle E = 180

Next, we need to find the value of x. To do this, we can use the fact that ES is congruent to ET:

4x - 6 = 3x + 3

Subtracting 3x from both sides:

x - 6 = 3

Adding 6 to both sides:

x = 9

Now that we have the value of x, we can substitute it back into our equation to find the measures of the angles:

Angle S = 4x - 6 = 4(9) - 6 = 30 degrees
Angle T = 3x + 3 = 3(9) + 3 = 30 degrees

Finally, we can find Angle E by substituting the values of Angle S and Angle T into the equation:

Angle S + Angle E + Angle T = 180

30 + Angle E + 30 = 180

Angle E = 180 - 30 - 30 = 120 degrees

Therefore, the measurements of angle S, angle E, and angle T are 30 degrees, 120 degrees, and 30 degrees respectively.