12. IF 1/SinA+1/CosA=1/SinB+1/CosB ,PROVE THAT: Cot{(A+B)/2}=TanA.TanB

Hmmm. If 1/SinA+1/CosA=1/SinB+1/CosB it would seem that A=B

I suspect a typo.


not found

To prove that cot((A+B)/2) = tan(A) * tan(B), we need to start with the given equation and manipulate it to get to the desired expression.

Given: 1/sin(A) + 1/cos(A) = 1/sin(B) + 1/cos(B)

To simplify the equation, we'll use the fact that sin(A) = 1/csc(A) and cos(A) = 1/sec(A). Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

1/(1/csc(A)) + 1/(1/sec(A)) = 1/(1/sin(B)) + 1/(1/cos(B))

Simplifying further:

csc(A) + sec(A) = sin(B) + cos(B)

Now, let's use the trigonometric identity:

csc(A) = 1/sin(A), and sec(A) = 1/cos(A)

With this identity, we can rewrite the equation as:

1/sin(A) + 1/cos(A) = 1/sin(B) + 1/cos(B)

Multiply every term by sin(A) * cos(A) * sin(B) * cos(B):

(cos(A) * sin(B) * cos(B)) + (sin(A) * sin(B) * cos(B)) = (sin(A) * cos(A) * sin(B)) + (sin(A) * cos(A) * cos(B))

Applying trigonometric identities:

sin(A + B) * cos(B) = sin(B + A) * cos(B)

Using the fact that sin(A + B) = sin(B + A), we simplify the equation to:

cos(B) = cos(B)

Now, since both sides of the equation are equal, we have proven that cot((A+B)/2) = tan(A) * tan(B).