As a project manager you are asked to facilitate a lessons learned session as part of the project termination process. how would you facilitate this session and what are some quidelines you would use? How would you incorporate and document the information gleaned from this session into future project plans and tools?

I will critique your thinking on this. Think about cost analysis, material availability, planning errors, construction errors or glitches, technical interface problems, customer liaison.

There should be meetings held to discuss ways to prevent unforeseeable events.

Discussions should be held to discuss how delays will be handled
Analysis on all variables to handle problems before they occur
Discuss how deadlines should be met it is very important not to have delays and to finish the project in a timely matter.
Have a back up plan for all unforeseeable events including acts of nature such as flooding, hurricanes, tornados, and burglaries.

To facilitate a lessons learned session as a project manager, follow these steps:

1. Planning: Determine the purpose, scope, and objectives of the session. Identify key stakeholders and participants who should attend, such as team members, project sponsors, and subject matter experts.

2. Create a safe space: Set a positive and open atmosphere for participants to share their experiences and insights without fear of criticism or judgment. Encourage everyone to actively participate and contribute their thoughts.

3. Structure the session: Use a proven facilitation technique like a brainstorming session or structured discussion to gather information and insights. Prepare an agenda to guide the session and ensure that all necessary aspects are covered.

4. Establish ground rules: Establish guidelines for the session, such as actively listening, avoiding interruptions, and being respectful of diverse opinions. Encourage open and honest communication.

5. Reflect on the project: Start the session by encouraging participants to reflect on the project as a whole. Discuss successes, challenges, and areas for improvement. Use prompts and open-ended questions to stimulate discussion.

6. Capture lessons learned: Document the insights and lessons learned during the session. Have a designated person take notes, record key points, and capture action items for future projects.

7. Analyze and categorize: After the session, review the gathered information and categorize it into different themes or topics. Identify common patterns and trends.

8. Prioritize and validate: Identify the most critical and relevant lessons learned. Validate them with participants to ensure accuracy and agreement.

9. Incorporate into project plans and tools: Once the lessons learned are identified, incorporate them into future project plans and tools. Consider updating project templates, processes, documentation, and risk management strategies to avoid similar issues in future projects.

10. Communicate and share: Share the lessons learned with the broader project management team, relevant stakeholders, and other project managers within your organization. Use various communication channels such as project reports, knowledge repositories, or internal newsletters.

11. Continuous improvement: Encourage the use of lessons learned in future projects. Create a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging project teams to regularly review and use these insights to enhance project delivery.

Remember, the key to a successful lessons learned session is to create an open and collaborative environment where participants feel comfortable sharing their experiences and insights.