Bob's age is 4 times greater than Susan's age. Dakota is 3 years younger than Susan. The sum of Bob's Susan's and Dakota's ages is 93 what is Susan's age

B + S + D = 93

B = 4S

D = S - 3

substituting ... (4 S) + S + (S - 3) = 93

To find Susan's age, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume Susan's age as "S."

Given that Bob's age is 4 times greater than Susan's age, we can express Bob's age as "4S."

Also, it is given that Dakota is 3 years younger than Susan. So, Dakota's age can be expressed as "S - 3."

Now, the sum of Bob's, Susan's, and Dakota's ages is 93. So, we can set up the equation:

4S + S + (S - 3) = 93

Simplifying the equation, we have:

6S - 3 = 93

Adding 3 to both sides:

6S = 96

Dividing both sides by 6:

S = 16

Therefore, Susan's age is 16 years.