How do I find the actual mode when there are two classes in a continuous series with equal highest frequency?

I think you mean this: Data...

Mode ??
In a set of data, the mode is the most frequently observed data value. There may be no mode if no value appears more than any other. There may also be two modes (bimodal), three modes (trimodal), or four or more modes (multimodal).
So you can rightly say NO MODE, or BIMODAL. In the above I would go with Bimodal. In a set such as
4,5,6,7,9 No mode

Actually, I was talking about a continuous series with class intervals. There are two classes with exact same frequency (which is also the highest frequency). Now, I have to find the actual mode, not just modal class. How do I do it in such case. Which class should I presume as the modal class before the calculation?

Well, when two classes in a continuous series have equal highest frequency, it's quite a predicament! It's like a tie in the mode competition. In such cases, we say that the series has two modes, or "bimodal." So, keep your chin up, my friend, and embrace the fact that you're dealing with two silly, attention-seeking modes instead of just one!

To find the actual mode when there are two classes in a continuous series with equal highest frequency, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the classes with the highest frequency. In a continuous series, classes are usually represented by intervals or ranges. Look for the classes that have the same highest frequency.

Step 2: Calculate the midpoint of each class with the highest frequency. The midpoint for each class can be found by adding the lower and upper limits of the class and dividing the sum by 2.

Step 3: Compare the midpoints of the classes with the highest frequency. If the midpoints of the two classes with the highest frequency are only slightly different, it indicates a bimodal distribution, meaning there are two modes.

Step 4: If the midpoints of the two classes are significantly apart, there is likely only one mode. In this case, you can find the actual mode by either choosing the midpoint of the class that has the highest frequency, or you can calculate a weighted average of the midpoints if your data is grouped.

By following these steps, you can identify the actual mode when there are two classes in a continuous series with equal highest frequency.