In approximately what year did oil and gas become the dominant fuels for the US?


Is it B

Yes, B.

To determine the approximate year when oil and gas became the dominant fuels for the US, we can look at historical trends and key events. One major event that played a significant role in the dominance of oil and gas was the discovery of the Spindletop oil field in Texas in 1901. This discovery marked the beginning of the modern oil industry in the US, leading to a rapid increase in crude oil production.

However, it took some time for oil and gas to replace other sources of fuel, such as coal. The transition was influenced by various factors, including technological advancements and changes in the energy needs of industries and transportation.

Based on these factors and historical data, the most accurate answer to the question would be the year 1910. By this time, oil and gas had gained significant traction as primary sources of fuel in the US, and their dominance continued to grow in the following decades.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is 1910.