Part 3: Write.

1. Write a persuasive argument explaining why you think this innovation is the most
important development of ancient China.
2. Your argument should include the following:
a. Begin with an opening sentence, introducing your argument.
b. Add three specific facts that support your argument.
i. Support your argument with when, where, and why it developed, and how
it was used or practiced.
ii. Support your argument by explaining whom it impacted and how.
iii. Support your argument with modern examples.
c. Add a closing sentence, summing up your ideas.
3. Each fact should be supported with a strong, clear explanation.
4. Your argument should be written in paragraph form. I need help I don't under stand this pls help

help pls

This is paragraph form,

"Modern humans (Homo sapiens, ssp. Homo sapiens sapiens) are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina, a branch of the tribe Hominini belonging to the family of great apes. They are characterized by erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; and a general trend toward larger, more complex brains and societies.[3][4]

Early hominins—particularly the australopithecines, whose brains and anatomy are in many ways more similar to ancestral non-human apes—are less often referred to as "human" than hominins of the genus .[5] Several of these hominins used fire, occupied much of Eurasia, and gave rise to anatomically modern Homo sapiens in Africa about 315,000[6] years ago.[7][8] They began to exhibit evidence of behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago. In several waves of migration, anatomically modern humans ventured out of Africa and populated most of the world.[9]"

-Wikapedia (Article about Humans)

Have you ever read a article about animals in need? Did you feel as if you would like to help them? The article was most likely persuasive.

You need and introduction, it has to be interesting o get the reader into it.

Have sources and sites to help you, and list them at the end of the project, I recommend Powerpoint for this.

"Add a closing sentence", or a conclusion. "In conclusion [insert the rest]."

If you're still having trouble, ask a teacher! I hope I helped, although, I don't completely understand what you need help with and what you don;t understand.

Of course, I can't help nearly as much as the beloved tutors on here.

Is that the answer for my question

What is your question exactly?

*Wikipedia, not Wikapedia!

What question?

I see directions for you to write an essay -- some very specific directions. Read what you posted very carefully. Follow the directions.

@flybird Please, please do what Writeacher said and carefully read the instructions! You can also do research if you are still having trouble. For example, google the following: what are the elements of a persuasive paragraph? and : how can I make a persuasive paragraph?

man tiktok is here corona is killing people and yall are in2018 :( take me too

Sure, I can help you with that! Writing a persuasive argument can be broken down into a few steps. Let's go through each step together.

Step 1: Introduction
In your opening sentence, you want to clearly state your argument - why you believe the innovation you have chosen is the most important development of ancient China. For example, you could start with, "The invention of paper is the most significant development of ancient China."

Step 2: Supporting Facts
In this part, you will provide specific facts that support your argument. You should aim to include three strong points to back up your claim.

a. Supporting Fact 1: When, where, and why it developed, and how it was used or practiced.
For the first supporting point, you want to discuss the background of the innovation. Describe when and where the invention of paper took place in ancient China and the reasons behind its development. Explain how paper was used or practiced during that time. For example, you could mention that paper was created during the Han Dynasty (around 200 BCE) in China to replace more expensive writing materials like silk and bamboo strips. It was made by grinding plant fibers, mainly mulberry bark, into a pulp which was then pressed and dried into thin sheets.

b. Supporting Fact 2: Whom it impacted and how.
Explain who the innovation impacted in ancient China and how it affected their lives. Discuss the widespread adoption of paper and its influence on various aspects of society, such as education, communication, and government administration. You could mention that paper allowed for the mass production of books, leading to increased literacy rates and the spread of knowledge. It also improved record-keeping in bureaucracy and facilitated the dissemination of ideas and information across the country.

c. Supporting Fact 3: Modern examples.
To further strengthen your argument, you can provide modern examples that demonstrate the ongoing significance and impact of the ancient innovation. You could discuss how paper remains essential in today's technological society, despite the rise of digital media. For instance, paper is still used for legal documents, newspapers, packaging materials, and countless other everyday items.

Step 3: Conclusion
In your closing sentence, you want to summarize your main ideas and reiterate your argument. For example, you could state, "In conclusion, the invention of paper stands as the most crucial development of ancient China due to its historical significance, widespread influence on society, and continued relevance in the modern world."

Remember, as you write your argument, make sure to provide strong and clear explanations for each supporting fact. This will help solidify your point and convince your audience.