you are given an exam with only 9 questions. if each question has 4 choices, how many different possible answers can you have for the entire exam?

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To find the total number of possible answers for the entire exam, we need to calculate the total number of possible combinations of answers for each individual question and then multiply them together.

Since each question has 4 choices, there are 4 options for each question. Thus, the total number of possible answers for a single question is 4.

Since there are 9 questions in total, we multiply the number of possible answers for each question together to find the total number of possible combinations for the entire exam.

4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 4^9 = 262,144

Therefore, there are 262,144 different possible answers for the entire exam.