How do you pronounce jiskha?

Just the way it sounds -- with a short i. The a has the schwa sound.



just trying to help, and ik tthis was YEARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AGO but for anyone who doesnt know how to spell it use that link

wrong link. do the one below

cool thx @sunset lover I was wondering how it sounds lol


To pronounce "Jiskha," you can break it down into syllables: "jisk-ha." Here's how you can pronounce it:

1. Start with the "j" sound, which is similar to the sound in words like "jump" or "jar."
2. Then, move to the "isk" sound, where the "i" is pronounced like the "i" in words like "sit" or "big," and the "sk" sounds like "sk" in words like "ask" or "desk."
3. Finally, end with the "ha" sound, which is pronounced like the "ha" in words like "ha-ha" or "aha."

Putting it together, it sounds like "jisk-ha."