David and Ted are walking a trail. Ted walks 3.1 kilometers farther than David.

Part a. Write an equation for the number of kilometers David walks, d, if Ted walks 5.4 kilometers

Part b. Write an equation for the number of kilometers that Ted walks, t, if David walks 4.9 kilometers.

Part c.Fill in the blanks to tell the distance David and Ted walked

If Ted walked 5.4 kilometers, then David walks _____ kilometers.
If David walks 4.9 kilometers, then Ted walks ______ kilometers.

Part a) 5.4-3.1= d

Part b) 4.9+3.1=t
Part c) 2.3 kilometers, 8 kilometers

geometry help ) The diagonals

divide the hexagon ABCDEF into two equilateral triangles and a square. Find the perimeter of the hexagon if BF = 3 cm.

Part 1) 5.4-3.1= d

Part 2) 4.9+3.1=t
Part 3) 2.3 kilometers, 8 kilometers

Part a. To write an equation for the number of kilometers David walks (d), knowing that Ted walks 3.1 kilometers farther, we can use the equation:

d + 3.1 = Ted's distance (5.4)

The equation represents David's distance plus the extra 3.1 kilometers that Ted walks, which is equal to Ted's total distance of 5.4 kilometers.

Part b. To write an equation for the number of kilometers that Ted walks (t), if David walks 4.9 kilometers, we can use the equation:

4.9 + 3.1 = t

The equation represents David's distance of 4.9 kilometers plus the extra 3.1 kilometers that Ted walks, which is equal to Ted's total distance (t).

Part c. To fill in the blanks and determine the distances David and Ted walked:

If Ted walked 5.4 kilometers, then David walks (5.4 - 3.1) = 2.3 kilometers.
This is obtained by subtracting the extra 3.1 kilometers that Ted walks from Ted's total distance of 5.4 kilometers.

If David walks 4.9 kilometers, then Ted walks (4.9 + 3.1) = 8.0 kilometers.
This is obtained by adding the extra 3.1 kilometers to David's distance of 4.9 kilometers to find Ted's total distance.

I'll be glad to check your answers.
