Samantha works part time at a store where she earns $462.30 each month. Write an expression that can be used to find the amount Samantha earns working any number of months, m.

I'm confused Idk how you got to the answer


it dosnt work for me iv tried over a billion times and nothing has been working could someone please tell me how to solve this i dont get it, thanks



i dont get this

To write an expression that can be used to find the amount Samantha earns working any number of months, we can multiply the monthly earnings by the number of months:

Expression: m * 462.30

In this expression, 'm' represents the number of months Samantha works, and 462.30 represents her monthly earnings. By multiplying the number of months by her monthly earnings, we can find the total amount Samantha earns working any number of months.

ANSWER IS y=204.9m

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