I am doing a project right now and I'm kind of confused.

I did an experiment and this is a question asked "Scientists changed the independent variable to learn about the Mpemba Effect. What did you learn from your results? Do you agree that the Mpemba Effect is real?"

I did an experiment with freezing warm, hot, cool, and cold water.
Can anyone tell me something about the Mpemba effect?

I can't, but Google can.


Thank you for the link, Ms.Sue =)

You are welcome.

The Mpemba Effect refers to the phenomenon where warm water freezes faster than cold water under certain conditions. It is named after Erasto Mpemba, a Tanzanian student who first observed this effect while making ice cream in the 1960s.

To answer the question about what you learned from your results regarding the Mpemba Effect, you need to analyze your experimental data. Here are the steps to follow:

1. State the independent variable: In your case, the independent variable is the initial temperature of the water (warm, hot, cool, or cold).

2. Record the dependent variable: The dependent variable is the time it took for each water sample to freeze completely.

3. Analyze the data: Compare the freezing times of the different temperature water samples. Did the warm water freeze faster than the cold water? Did the hot water freeze faster than the cool water? Take note of any patterns or trends you observe.

4. Draw conclusions: Based on your experimental results, determine if they support or contradict the Mpemba Effect. If your results show that warm water consistently froze faster than cold water, this would support the Mpemba Effect. However, if your results do not show a clear trend or contradict the Mpemba Effect, you would need to discuss that as well.

In addition to your own experiment, it's worth noting that the Mpemba Effect is still a topic of scientific debate. While some studies have replicated the phenomenon, others have failed to do so. Therefore, it's important to consider the broader body of research and scientific consensus when forming your opinion on whether you agree that the Mpemba Effect is real.