The speed of light is about 2.99x10^8 m/s. If a rocket travels at one-fifth the speed of light, find its speed in km/h (in scientific notation correct to 2 significant figures)

speed of rocket = (2.99x10^8 m/s)/5

= 5.98 x 10^7

Wow, somebody has been watching Startrek.

To find the speed of the rocket in km/h, we need to convert the speed of light from meters per second to kilometers per hour, and then multiply it by one-fifth.

Step 1: Convert the speed of light from meters per second to kilometers per hour.
The speed of light is approximately 2.99 x 10^8 m/s. To convert it to kilometers per hour, we need to multiply it by the appropriate conversion factors.

1 kilometer = 1000 meters
1 hour = 3600 seconds

So, to convert the speed of light from m/s to km/h, we can use the following conversion:
2.99 x 10^8 m/s x (1 km / 1000 m) x (3600 s / 1 hr) = (2.99 x 10^8) x (3600 / 1000) km/h

Step 2: Calculate the speed of the rocket traveling at one-fifth the speed of light.
To find one-fifth of the speed of light, we simply divide the converted speed of light by 5.

Final calculation:
Speed of rocket = [(2.99 x 10^8) x (3600 / 1000)] / 5

The result will be in km/h, in scientific notation correct to 2 significant figures.