Examine the situation.

Gregor Mendel wondered how traits were inherited, but the technology to study genes was unknown. By crossing pea plants and observing their traits, he concluded that
the traits of living organisms are controlled by structures called genes
each gene is composed of two components that separate during reproduction and then recombine.
Which type of scientific reasoning is described in the situation?

inductive reasoning

scientific rationalism

deductive reasoning

scientific empiricism


Yes, A.

thank u

I know that it isn't deductive or empiricism.

Well, this situation sounds like Gregor Mendel was doing some pea-napping and observing their traits, so I'd say he was using inductive reasoning. After all, he made generalizations about genes and their components based on specific observations. Good job, Gregor!

Yes, it is inductive reasoning.

Inductive reasoning involves making generalizations or predictions based on specific observations or examples. In this situation, Gregor Mendel made specific observations by crossing pea plants and observing their traits. From these observations, he then made the generalization that traits of living organisms are controlled by genes and that genes have two components that separate during reproduction and recombine.