Jim walked one quarter of his journey,travelled two thirds of it by bus and cycled the rest.calculate the fraction of the journey Jim cycled

To calculate the fraction of the journey Jim cycled, we need to use the information given.

Let's assume Jim's entire journey is represented by the fraction 1 (or 1/1).

Jim walked one quarter of his journey, which can be represented as 1/4 (since 1/4 represents one out of four equal parts of a whole).

Jim also traveled two-thirds of his journey by bus, which can be represented as 2/3 (since 2/3 represents two out of three equal parts of a whole).

To find the fraction of the journey Jim cycled, we need to subtract the fractions of the journey he walked and traveled by bus from 1 (since 1 represents the entire journey).

1 - (1/4) - (2/3) = (12/12) - (3/12) - (8/12) = 1/12

Therefore, Jim cycled 1/12 of his journey.

well, 1/4 + 2/3 = 3/12 + 8/12 = 11/12

so, the rest was cycled.