classify the triangle by its angles and its sides. Explain how you knew which classifications to use. top of the triangle is 70 degrees, bottom right is 45 degrees and bottom left is 65.

Its acute Btw- By the way

An acute triangle has all three angles less than 90 degrees.

Clearly you have not read the material suggested earlier.

i adde them together and it equals 180 so it cannot be a acute

ms sue are u the owner of this site

To classify a triangle by its angles, we consider the measures of its three angles. Based on the given information, we can determine the classifications by comparing the angle measures.

The three angle measures of the triangle are:

1. Top angle: 70 degrees
2. Bottom right angle: 45 degrees
3. Bottom left angle: 65 degrees

Now let's classify the triangle by its angle measures:

1. Acute Triangle: An acute triangle has all three angles measuring less than 90 degrees. Since none of the angles in the given triangle exceed 90 degrees, the triangle is not an acute triangle.

2. Obtuse Triangle: An obtuse triangle has one angle measuring greater than 90 degrees. None of the angles in the given triangle exceed 90 degrees, so the triangle is not an obtuse triangle.

3. Right Triangle: A right triangle has one angle measuring exactly 90 degrees. In the given triangle, none of the angles are exactly 90 degrees, so it is not a right triangle.

4. Scalene Triangle: A scalene triangle has all three sides of different lengths. Based on the given information, we do not know the side lengths of the triangle, so we cannot classify it as a scalene triangle.

5. Isosceles Triangle: An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length and two angles of equal measure. Based on the given information, we do not know the side lengths of the triangle, so we cannot classify it as an isosceles triangle.

6. Equilateral Triangle: An equilateral triangle has all three sides of equal length and all three angles of equal measure (each measuring 60 degrees). Based on the given information, we do not know the side lengths of the triangle, so we cannot classify it as an equilateral triangle.

Since we don't have information about the side lengths, we cannot classify the triangle by its sides.

In summary, based on the given angle measures (70 degrees, 45 degrees, and 65 degrees), we cannot classify the triangle by its angles or its sides without additional information about the side lengths.

Maybe the last link I posted will make it clearer to you. Please study it!!