A wheel with a 21-inch diameter is turning at the rate of 58 revolutions per minute. To the nearest inch, what is the velocity of a point on the rim in inches/minutes?

3879 inches/minutes

is my answer correct??

10.5 in * 58 rev/min * 2 pi radians/rev = I get 3826 in/min

By the way, earlier I notice you were looking for a calculator:


yes,..the guy was teaching me how to do this problem

[pi,3pi/2];tan s=1
can you help..i need to use this link to figure out this problem..please guide me through:)

We are in quadrant 3

so add 180 degrees or pi radians to answer whatever we get first
on calculator
click radians on upper right
type in the number 1
click atan
answer .785 ......
click +
click Pi
click =
get 3.926...... radians


thank you very very much..i just have one LAST problem i need help with

A pulley of radius 11cm rotates 5 times in 64 seconds. Find the angular velocity of the pulley.
thnks again

i think you have to use the formula



Yes, 5 pi/4

You could have seen that from the start because you probably know that the tan of 45 deg (Pi/4 radians) is 1 and pi/4 + pi = 5 pi/4
radius has noting to do with this
5 * 2 pi radians / 64 s
= (10/64) pi rad/s = .49 rad/s

.49 I mean

so 5pi/32

thank you soo much!!!!

To calculate the velocity of a point on the rim of a wheel, you need to find the circumference of the wheel and multiply it by the number of revolutions per minute.

First, let's calculate the circumference of the wheel using the formula:

Circumference = π * Diameter

Given that the diameter is 21 inches, we can substitute the value into the formula:

Circumference = π * 21 inches

Now, let's calculate the value of π. Since we need to round our final answer to the nearest inch, let's use π as 3:

Circumference = 3 * 21 inches
Circumference = 63 inches

Next, we multiply the circumference by the number of revolutions per minute:

Velocity = Circumference * Revolutions per minute
Velocity = 63 inches * 58 revolutions per minute
Velocity = 3654 inches per minute

Therefore, the velocity of a point on the rim of the wheel is approximately 3654 inches/minute, not 3879 inches/minute. It seems like there was a mistake in your calculation.