3×a√1x= 27-x find x

You wrote √1, but since that is just 1, I suspect you meant √(1x). That's also weird, but let's go with it.

3a√x= 27-x
9a^2x = 729-54x+x^2
x^2-(9a^2+54)x+729 = 0
Now use the quadratic formula to get

x = 9a/2 (a+6±√(a^2+12))

That's kind of messy, so if there was a typo somewhere, fix it and redo the steps.

Looks messy to my also. Sulaiman, don't forget to use parenthesis in these complex equations.

To find the value of x in the equation 3×a√1x = 27 - x, let's break down the steps:

Step 1: Simplify the equation:
a√1x can be simplified as √x since the square root of 1 is 1.

So, the equation becomes:
3a√x = 27 - x

Step 2: Isolate the square root term:
Subtract 27 from both sides of the equation:
3a√x + x = 27

Step 3: Move the variable term to one side:
Subtract x from both sides of the equation:
3a√x = 27 - x

Step 4: Square both sides of the equation to eliminate the square root:
(3a√x)² = (27 - x)²

Step 5: Simplify the equation further:
9a²x = (27 - x)²

Step 6: Expand the squared expression on the right side of the equation:
9a²x = (27 - x)(27 - x)
9a²x = 729 - 54x + x²

Step 7: Rearrange the equation to form a quadratic equation:
Move all the terms to the left side:
x² + 54x - 729 - 9a²x = 0

Step 8: Group similar terms:
(x² - 9a²x) + 54x - 729 = 0

Step 9: Factor out common terms:
x(x - 9a²) + 54x - 729 = 0

Step 10: Simplify further, if possible:
(x - 9a²)(x + 54) - 729 = 0

Now, to find the value of x, you would need additional information about the value of a. Without the value of a, it is not possible to find the exact value of x.