what is the simpler form of the expression (5d+2)(3d^2+8d-3)

A: 15d^3 + 46d^2 + 1d - 6
B: 15d^3 + 34d^2 - 1d - 6
C: 15d^3 - 34d^2 + 1d - 5
D: 15d^3 + s4d^2 - 1d - 5

My answer is A or B.


2 (3d^2+8d-3)
------------- add and simplify
15d^3 +40 d^2 - 15 d
+ 6 d^2 + 16 d -6
15d^3 + 46 d^2 + 1 d - 6

thank you Damon ^^

You are welcome.

To find the simpler form of the expression (5d + 2)(3d^2 + 8d - 3), you need to distribute the 5d to each term within the second parentheses, and then distribute the 2 to each term within the second parentheses. This will result in a simplified expression.

Distributing 5d:
(5d + 2)(3d^2 + 8d - 3) = 5d(3d^2) + 5d(8d) + 5d(-3)

This simplifies to:
= 15d^3 + 40d^2 - 15d

Next, distribute 2:
(5d + 2)(3d^2 + 8d - 3) = 15d^3 + 40d^2 - 15d + 2(3d^2) + 2(8d) + 2(-3)

This simplifies further to:
= 15d^3 + 40d^2 - 15d + 6d^2 + 16d - 6

Combining like terms, the final simplified form is:
= 15d^3 + 46d^2 + d - 6

So, the correct answer is A: 15d^3 + 46d^2 + d - 6.