h2+I2 <-------> is independent of ?

1) temperature
2) concentration
3) catalyst
4) pressure
5) reactants

The independence of the equilibrium of the reaction h2+I2 <-------> can be determined by examining the factors that primarily affect chemical equilibrium. The equilibrium of a reaction is indicated by the double arrows in the equation, which means that both the forward and reverse reactions are occurring simultaneously.

To determine the factors that affect the independence of the equilibrium, we need to understand Le Chatelier's principle. According to Le Chatelier's principle, if a system at equilibrium is subjected to a change, the system will adjust itself to counteract the change and maintain equilibrium.

Now, let's examine each option to determine which factors affect the independence of the equilibrium:

1) Temperature: Changing the temperature will affect the equilibrium. According to Le Chatelier's principle, if the temperature is increased, the equilibrium will shift in the endothermic direction (absorbing heat), and if it is decreased, the equilibrium will shift in the exothermic direction (releasing heat). Therefore, the equilibrium is NOT independent of temperature.

2) Concentration: Changing the concentration of reactants or products will affect the equilibrium. If the concentration of one of the reactants or products is increased, the equilibrium will shift to consume or produce more of the other substance. Consequently, the equilibrium is NOT independent of concentration.

3) Catalyst: A catalyst only affects the rate of the reaction, not the position of the equilibrium. It doesn't change the amounts of reactants and products present at equilibrium. Therefore, the equilibrium is independent of the catalyst.

4) Pressure: This reaction does not involve gaseous substances, so changes in pressure will not affect the equilibrium. Therefore, the equilibrium is independent of pressure.

5) Reactants: Changing the amounts of reactants will affect the equilibrium. If the concentration of either H2 or I2 is increased, the equilibrium will shift to consume or produce more of the other substance. Hence, the equilibrium is NOT independent of the reactants.

Based on this analysis, the independence of the equilibrium of the reaction h2+I2 <-------> is only true in the presence of a catalyst and when no changes are made to the temperature, concentration of reactants/products, or pressure.