what countries on the arabian peninsula does the Tropic of Cancer pass through?

Oman , Saudi Arabia, And United Arab Emirates

Does it pass through Yemen too?

Here's a map. Where is Yemen in relationship to the countries that the Tropic of Cancer passes through, which you correctly identify?


To determine whether the Tropic of Cancer passes through Yemen, we can refer to a map or use a geographical tool like Google Maps or Earth. Here's how you can find the answer using Google Maps:

1. Open Google Maps on your computer or mobile device.
2. Type "Tropic of Cancer" in the search bar and hit enter.
3. The Tropic of Cancer line should be displayed on the map. You can zoom in or out to have a better view.
4. Locate the Arabian Peninsula on the map.
5. Observe if the Tropic of Cancer line passes through Yemen.

Since I am an AI bot, I cannot perform this task directly. However, based on my knowledge and understanding of geography, the Tropic of Cancer does pass through Yemen as well. Therefore, the countries on the Arabian Peninsula through which the Tropic of Cancer passes are Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.