Maya is m years old. Her cousin is 3 years younger then her. Mata's uncle is 5 times her age. How old is Maya?

In order to determine Maya's age, we need to use the information provided in the question.

Let's proceed step by step:

1. We know that Maya's cousin is 3 years younger than her. Therefore, we can express Maya's cousin's age as (m - 3).

2. We are also given that Maya's uncle is 5 times her age. So, we can express Maya's uncle's age as 5m.

Now, based on the given information, we can form an equation:

Maya's age + Maya's cousin's age + Maya's uncle's age = Total age

m + (m - 3) + 5m = Total age

Simplifying the equation:

7m - 3 = Total age

Since we don't know the total age, we cannot solve for Maya's exact age without additional information. However, we can express Maya's age in terms of the total age.

You just told me that Maya was m years old.

Why are you asking how old Maya is ?