what difference would there be in the product cells at telophase II of the meiosis if there had been one crossing over at a position half way betwwen the huntington disease gene and the centromere from one pair of autosomes (chromosome 4)has a short arm and a long arm on the short arm is a gene for huntingtons disease (H) AND ON THE LONG ARM is a gene for red hair(R)

plz sum1 helppp!!

To determine the difference in the product cells at telophase II of meiosis, we need to consider the specific events that take place during meiosis and the effect of crossing over on the genetic material.

During meiosis, there are two rounds of division called meiosis I and meiosis II. In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange genetic material through a process known as crossing over. This genetic exchange occurs between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.

In your scenario, there has been one crossing over event that has taken place halfway between the Huntington disease gene (H) and the centromere on one pair of autosomes (chromosome 4). On the short arm of chromosome 4, there is the Huntington disease gene (H), and on the long arm, there is a gene for red hair (R).

At the end of meiosis I, the homologous chromosomes separate, with each cell containing one complete set of chromosomes. In this case, one of the product cells would have the following configuration for chromosome 4:

Short arm: H (gene for Huntington disease)
Long arm: R (gene for red hair)

The other product cell would have the following configuration for chromosome 4:

Short arm: intact (no crossing over occurred)
Long arm: intact

During meiosis II, each cell undergoes a second division, resulting in the separation of sister chromatids. This results in four haploid cells, each containing half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

Therefore, if there had been one crossing over event between the Huntington disease gene and the centromere on chromosome 4, there would be two product cells with the H gene for Huntington disease and the R gene for red hair on one of the chromosomes. The other two product cells would have an intact chromosome 4 with the H gene on the short arm and the R gene on the long arm.

It's important to note that the actual outcome of meiosis is unpredictable and may vary due to additional factors and genetic variation. This explanation provides a general understanding of the potential outcome in a given scenario.