If (92)p = 98, what is the value of p?


I guess you mean

(9^2)^p = 9^(2p) = 9^8
2p = 8
p = 4

To find the value of p, we can use the given equation (92)p = 98.

To solve this equation, we need to isolate p on one side of the equation.

First, we subtract 92 from both sides of the equation to get rid of it: (92)p - 92 = 98 - 92.

Simplifying both sides, we have: (50)p = 6.

To solve for p, we divide both sides of the equation by 50: (50)p/50 = 6/50.

Simplifying, we have: p = 6/50.

Now, we can check if any of the given options match this value of p:

2: 6/50 is not equal to 2.
3: 6/50 is not equal to 3.
4: 6/50 is not equal to 4.
5: 6/50 is not equal to 5.
6: 6/50 is not equal to 6.

None of the given options match the value of p, so we cannot determine the exact value of p with the given equation.