△JKL∼△QRS , JK is 8 centimeters, ​ QR ​is 12 centimeters, and RS is 9 centimeters.

What is ​ KL ​?

corresponding sides have the same ratio.

JK/QR = 8/12 or 2/3
so, since KL corresponds to RS,
KL/RS = 2/3
RS=9, so
KL/9 = 2/3
KL = 18/3 = 6

KL/RS = JK/QR = 8/12

Now solve for KL

im sorry im confused

do i do 8/12=12/9

or something..

To find the length of KL in the similar triangles △JKL and △QRS, we can set up a proportion using the corresponding sides:


We are given that JK is 8 centimeters, QR is 12 centimeters, and RS is 9 centimeters. Let's substitute these values into the proportion:

8/12 = JL/9

To find JL, we can cross-multiply and then solve for JL:

12 * JL = 8 * 9
12JL = 72

Divide both sides of the equation by 12 to isolate JL:

JL = 72/12
JL = 6

Therefore, KL is 6 centimeters.