I just need help with one question. I answer questions quite often on here so maybe somebody will answer mine.

All of the following were part of the social reform movement in Texas prior to the Great Depression except...
A)Labor Unions fought to improve working conditions
B)Women endeavored to gain the right to vote
C)The USDA encouraged a scientific approach to farming
D)Racial tension eased as segregation declined

You have to be kidding. Racial segregation in Texas didn't start until Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), the Supreme Court outlawed segregated public education facilities for blacks and whites at the state level. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended all state and local laws requiring segregation.

So it's D?

To identify the option that was not part of the social reform movement in Texas prior to the Great Depression, let's evaluate each option one by one:

A) Labor Unions fought to improve working conditions: This is a characteristic of the social reform movement, as labor unions played a significant role in advocating for better working conditions for workers.

B) Women endeavored to gain the right to vote: This is also a characteristic of the social reform movement, as suffrage was an important aspect of the movement.

C) The USDA encouraged a scientific approach to farming: This is also a characteristic of the social reform movement, as the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) promoted scientific methods and advancements in farming to improve productivity.

D) Racial tension eased as segregation declined: This statement implies that racial tension eased and segregation declined during the social reform movement. However, the accurate historical context is that racial tension and segregation persisted during this time period, and significant progress was made much later during the Civil Rights Movement.

Therefore, the option that was not part of the social reform movement in Texas prior to the Great Depression is D) Racial tension eased as segregation declined.

To determine which option is not part of the social reform movement in Texas prior to the Great Depression, we need to analyze each option and identify its relevance to the social reform movement. Let's go through each option:

A) Labor Unions fought to improve working conditions: This is directly related to the social reform movement as labor unions played a crucial role in advocating for better working conditions and workers' rights. So, this option is likely part of the social reform movement.

B) Women endeavored to gain the right to vote: This is another significant aspect of the social reform movement, known as the women's suffrage movement. Women actively fought for the right to vote during this time period, making this option a likely part of the social reform movement.

C) The USDA encouraged a scientific approach to farming: This option refers to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) promoting a scientific approach to farming. While this initiative could have had positive effects on agriculture, it does not directly align with the social reform movement. The social reform movement primarily focused on issues related to labor rights, women's suffrage, and racial equality. Hence, this option is a potential candidate for being the one that was not part of the social reform movement.

D) Racial tension eased as segregation declined: This option indicates a positive change in racial dynamics, reflecting progress towards equality. The social reform movement indeed aimed to address racial inequalities and fight against segregation, making this option likely part of the social reform movement.

Based on the analysis, option C) The USDA encouraging a scientific approach to farming seems to be the one that was not part of the social reform movement in Texas prior to the Great Depression.