which of the following is an example of recycling a renewable resource?

a turning food scraps to compost

b washing plastic forks and use them again.

need help please only right stuff

its A

The correct answer is option a: turning food scraps to compost.

Recycling a renewable resource involves taking a material or waste product and converting it into a new usable product or material without depleting the original resource. In this case, food scraps can be recycled by turning them into compost, which can then be used as a nutrient-rich soil amendment for gardening or other purposes. This process helps to reduce waste and improve soil quality, making it a sustainable and environmentally-friendly practice.

Option b, washing plastic forks and reusing them, does involve reusing a product, but it is not considered recycling a renewable resource. This is because plastic is not a renewable resource and washing and reusing plastic forks does not involve converting them into a new material or resource. While reusing items can still be a good practice to reduce waste, recycling renewable resources implies a more substantial transformation of the original material.

To determine which of the following options is an example of recycling a renewable resource, we first need to understand what renewable resources are.

Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished or restored almost indefinitely through natural processes. These resources include solar energy, wind energy, water resources, and biomass (organic materials like plants and crop residues).

Now, let's evaluate the given options:

a) Turning food scraps to compost:
This option involves taking food scraps, which are organic materials, and allowing them to decompose naturally to create compost. Compost can then be used to replenish the soil and promote plant growth. Since food scraps are renewable resources (organic matter), recycling them into compost qualifies as recycling a renewable resource. Therefore, option (a) is an example of recycling a renewable resource.

b) Washing plastic forks and using them again:
This option involves reusing plastic forks after cleaning them. While reusing is an important step in reducing waste, plastic is not a renewable resource. Plastic is typically made from non-renewable resources like petroleum. Therefore, option (b) does not involve recycling a renewable resource.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option (a) - turning food scraps into compost.

What is renewable about a plastic fork?
