Last week meal walked on the treadmill for 13 1/4 hours she spent the same amount of time on the treadmill each day except for Sunday on Sunday she spent 1 1/4 hours walking on the treadmill how many minutes did Camille walk on the treadmill on Monday show all work

To find out how many minutes Camille walked on the treadmill on Monday, we first need to convert the given times to minutes.

We are given that Camille spent 13 1/4 hours on the treadmill last week. Let's convert this to minutes:
13 1/4 hours = (13 x 60) + 15 = 795 minutes

We are also given that Camille spent 1 1/4 hours on the treadmill on Sunday. Let's convert this to minutes:
1 1/4 hours = (1 x 60) + 15 = 75 minutes

Now, to find out how many minutes Camille spent on the treadmill each day (except Sunday), we'll subtract the time spent on Sunday from the total time spent last week:
795 minutes - 75 minutes = 720 minutes

Since Camille spent the same amount of time on the treadmill each day (except Sunday), we can divide the remaining minutes by the number of days (6) to find the daily time:
720 minutes ÷ 6 = 120 minutes

Therefore, Camille walked on the treadmill for 120 minutes on Monday.

13 1/4 = 1 1/4 = 12

12/6 = ?