a car travels 42 km on 6litres of petrol how far will it travels on 7 litres

42 * (7/6) = ?

To find out how far the car will travel on 7 liters of petrol, we can first determine the mileage (distance traveled per liter of petrol) of the car.

The given information states that the car travels 42 km on 6 liters of petrol. To find the mileage, we can divide the distance traveled by the amount of petrol used:

Mileage = Distance / Petrol used
Mileage = 42 km / 6 liters
Mileage = 7 km/liter

Now that we know the mileage is 7 km/liter, we can simply multiply the amount of petrol (7 liters) by the mileage to find the distance the car will travel:

Distance = Petrol * Mileage
Distance = 7 liters * 7 km/liter
Distance = 49 km

Therefore, the car will travel 49 km on 7 liters of petrol.