A car is traveling at the average speed of 50km/hr.How much distance would it travel in 12minutes

well, 12 minutes is 1/5 of an hour, so what's 1/5 of 50?

To find out how much distance a car would travel in 12 minutes, we need to know the average speed of the car. In this case, you have already given me that the average speed is 50 km/hr.

To convert the given speed to a rate per minute, we divide it by 60 since there are 60 minutes in an hour:
50 km/hr ÷ 60 min/hr = 0.83 km/min (rounded to two decimal places).

Now that we know the car's rate per minute, we can multiply it by the time, which is 12 minutes:
0.83 km/min × 12 min = 9.96 km.

Therefore, the car would travel approximately 9.96 kilometers in 12 minutes.