James wants to change the creative strategy in order to make consumer think differently about his product. He wants the product to be viewed as a product for sports enthusiasts. In order to do this, he must:

a. conduct demographic research
b. reposition the product
c. find the right media platform
d. examine the return-on-investment data

You need to include what YOU THINK for each of your questions.

To change the creative strategy and make consumers think differently about his product, James can focus on the following steps:

1. Conduct demographic research: James can start by conducting demographic research to understand the target audience of sports enthusiasts. This research will help him gain insights into their preferences, interests, and behaviors, enabling him to tailor the creative strategy accordingly. He can use various methods, such as surveys, focus groups, or analyzing market research data, to gather this information.

2. Reposition the product: James should consider repositioning the product in the minds of consumers by emphasizing its potential benefits and features that specifically appeal to sports enthusiasts. This may involve highlighting performance-enhancing qualities, durability for active use, or other attributes that resonate with this target audience. By positioning the product as a must-have for sports enthusiasts, James can shift consumer perception and drive increased interest.

3. Find the right media platform: It is crucial for James to identify the media platforms that sports enthusiasts actively engage with. This could include sports websites, social media groups, online forums, or even sports-related events. By leveraging these platforms, James can effectively reach and engage with the target audience, creating awareness and promoting the new positioning of the product.

4. Examine the return-on-investment (ROI) data: After implementing the new creative strategy, it is essential for James to monitor and measure the impact of his efforts. By examining ROI data, James can assess the effectiveness of the changed creative strategy in terms of sales growth, brand awareness, increased engagement, or any other relevant metrics. This analysis will help him evaluate the success of the new approach and make any necessary adjustments for continued improvement.

So, to achieve his goal of making consumers view his product as a product for sports enthusiasts, James should conduct demographic research, reposition the product, find the right media platform, and examine the return-on-investment data to continuously optimize his creative strategy.