Amanda would like to develop a product for Coca-Cola for health conscious consumers. She first needs to conduct adequate _______

segmentation research in order to find out more about the market.
a. positioning
b. psychographic
c. individualized
d. demographic

What does your text say?

The correct answer is d. demographic segmentation research.

In order for Amanda to understand the market and develop a product that caters to health-conscious consumers, she needs to conduct demographic segmentation research. This involves dividing the market into different segments based on demographic variables such as age, gender, income, education level, occupation, and other relevant factors.

By conducting demographic segmentation research, Amanda will be able to identify the specific characteristics and needs of health-conscious consumers within each demographic segment. This information will help her in developing a product that aligns with their preferences and addresses their unique requirements.

To conduct demographic segmentation research, Amanda can utilize a variety of methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data analysis from existing sources. These methods will provide her with valuable insights into the target market and enable her to make informed decisions during the product development process.