Find the surface area of the prism 5m 9m 12m


top and bottom 2*9*12 = 216

sides 2*5*12 = 120
ends 2*5*9 = 90

sum = 426

thank you, Damon!

You are welcome. Always draw a picture.

To find the surface area of a prism, you need to calculate the area of each face and then add them up.

The given measurements of the prism are 5m, 9m, and 12m. Let's denote the base dimensions of the prism as length (L), width (W), and height (H).

The prism has three pairs of rectangular faces. The top and bottom faces both have dimensions of 5m by 9m (L x W), and the two side faces have dimensions of 9m by 12m (W x H). There are also two front and back faces with dimensions of 5m by 12m (L x H).

Now, let's calculate the areas of each face:

1. Top and bottom faces: A1 = L x W = 5m x 9m = 45m²
2. Side face 1: A2 = W x H = 9m x 12m = 108m²
3. Side face 2: A3 = W x H = 9m x 12m = 108m²
4. Front and back faces: A4 = L x H = 5m x 12m = 60m²

Finally, to get the total surface area, add up the areas of all the faces:

Total Surface Area = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4
= 45m² + 108m² + 108m² + 60m²
= 321m²

Therefore, option 3: 336m² is not correct. The correct surface area is 321m².