A student wrote this statement: "A triangular prism has a height of 15 inches and a base area of 20 square inches. The volume of the prism is 300 square inches." Identify and correct the error.

I am not sure because I am new at doing this kind of math. Please help.

Volume of triangular prism = Height * Base Area

So, the given statement is telling you that:
15 inches * 20 square inches = 300 square inches

Can you find the error here?

(Hint: Check the units)

The error is that the kid should put the answer in cubic inches not square. The answer should be 300 in*3

To identify and correct the error in the student's statement, let's break it down step-by-step:

1. The student states that the volume of the triangular prism is 300 square inches. However, this is incorrect as the volume should be represented in cubic units, such as cubic inches.

2. Additionally, the student mentions that the base area of the prism is 20 square inches. However, the base area of a three-dimensional figure like a prism is measured in square units, not inches.

So, the error is that the student has confused the terms "volume" and "base area", as well as the units used for each.

To correct the statement, we can make the following adjustments:

"A triangular prism has a height of 15 inches and a base area of 20 square inches. The volume of the prism is 300 cubic inches."

To identify the error in the statement, let's first understand the properties of a triangular prism.

A triangular prism is a three-dimensional solid shape with two parallel triangular bases and three rectangular faces connecting them. The volume of a triangular prism is found by multiplying the area of the base by the height.

Let's analyze the given statement: "A triangular prism has a height of 15 inches and a base area of 20 square inches. The volume of the prism is 300 square inches."

The error in this statement is the unit used for volume. Volume is a measure of three-dimensional space and is typically expressed in cubic units, such as cubic inches, cubic meters, etc., not square inches. Therefore, the correct sentence should be:

"A triangular prism has a height of 15 inches and a base area of 20 square inches. The volume of the prism is 300 cubic inches."

It is important to pay attention to the units when working with different measurements and properties. In this case, volume should be cubic inches, not square inches.