The table below shows the percentage of households that own a microwave in different countries. Construct a stem-and-leaf plot of the data.

Country Percent Of Household With Microwave Ovens
Argentina 97%
Belgium 93%
Canada 69%
Denmark 95%
France 88%
Germany 94%
Greece 64%
Ireland 92%
Italy 88%
Jordan 99%
Switzerland 91%
United States 97%

Stem Leaf

6 |4 9
7 |
8 |8 8
9 |1 2 3 4 5 7 7 9
This should work, good luck :)

99 - 1

97 - 2
95 - 1

Just count the number of each percentage.

Should I put the 7| in there if there are no 70%?

To construct a stem-and-leaf plot for the given data, follow these steps:

Step 1: Separate the data into stems and leaves.
- The stem is typically the tens digit of the data value.
- The leaf is the ones digit of the data value.

Step 2: Arrange the stems in ascending order.

Step 3: Write down the leaves corresponding to each stem.

Here is the stem-and-leaf plot for the given data:

Stem | Leaves
6 | 4
6 | 9
8 | 8
8 | 8
9 | 1
9 | 2
9 | 3
9 | 4
9 | 5
9 | 7
9 | 7
9 | 9

This stem-and-leaf plot represents the percentage of households that own a microwave oven in different countries. The stems represent the tens digit of the percentage, and the leaves represent the ones digit. For example, the stem 6 with a leaf of 4 represents Argentina with a percentage of 64%, and the stem 9 with a leaf of 9 represents Jordan with a percentage of 99%.