If the scale on a map is 1cm = 1km, how do I convert 3.4cm to km?

3.4 * 1cm = 3.4 * 1Km

Do you think you should


You could also look at it as a proportion.(cm/km) = (cm/km)

(1cm/1km) = (3.4cm/x)
Solve for x.
Note: this would not be the most intuitive way... but it would get the question completed if you don't see an easier way.

To convert 3.4cm to km using the given scale of 1cm = 1km, you can use a simple ratio. Here's how:

1. Set up a ratio using the given scale: 1cm/1km.
2. Multiply both sides of the ratio by 3.4cm to find the equivalent value in km: (1cm/1km) * 3.4cm.
3. Simplify the equation: 3.4cm/1km.
4. Divide 3.4 by 1 to get the final answer: 3.4km.

Therefore, 3.4cm is equivalent to 3.4km when using the given scale.