1. In the simplest terms, which of the following is 3-D modeling is all about?

A. Computers
B. Collaboration
C. Creativity
D. Shapes

2. Only animate objects can be made into three dimensions.
A. True
B. False

3. Nothing has revolutionized animation like 3-D modeling.
A. True
B. False

4. Who is the person that brings 3-D moedling to life?
A. 3-D artist
B. 3-D inventor
C. Model designer
D. 3-D photographer

5. Which of the following is another term for additive manufacturing?
A. 3-D printing
B. Drawing
C. Mass production
D. Graphic design

6. What must a 3-D printer be fed with in order to manufacture physical objects?
A. An idea
B. A set of instructions
C. A 3-D model
D. A blueprint

7. Curved lines are generally used where _______ is needed.
A. Dialogue
B. A static pose
C. Movement or motion
D. More information

8. A complex combination of computer programs are not required to bring a 3-D character to life.
A. True
B. False

9. Which of the following is one advantage of 3-D modeling?
A. The ability to create flexible designs
B. The ability to make 3D images with no experince or knowledge
C. The ability to make hundreds of 3D images in under a minute
D. No specialized equipment is needed

10. The computer graphics and 3D models created by animators are also viewed as a form of which of the following in many circles?
A. Meditation
B. Art
C. Friendship
D. Entrepreneurship

11. Which of the following is connectivity?
A. The area within the outline of a shape
B. Any two-dimensional shape formed with straight lines
C. The practice of joining polyons together to form a larger image
D. An automated process that creates a photorealistic model and is carried out automatically by the application used

12. Rendering is equivalent to developing a photograph from an old-fashioned camera.
A. True
B. False

13. Which of the following are lines that are not straight that are used to change or disort a shape.
A. Curves
B. Edges
C. Faces
D. Commands

14. Polygons are the bulding blocks of 3D design since complex images are usually built by being broken down into simple shapes.
A. True
B. False

15. Anoher way of thinking about the face of a shape is the points at which the lines of the edges intersect.
A. True
B. False


4- 3D artist
5-3D printing
8- False
9- This is a tough one. but I think A
10- Entrepreneurship
12- False

Tell me if I am 100%. I fee like 6,9,12 are maybe wrong .

12 is TRUE

i cant find the answers for this stuff anywhere

1. The answer to question 1 is C. Creativity. 3-D modeling is all about using computer software to create three-dimensional objects or environments, allowing for artistic expression and imagination to come to life.

2. The answer to question 2 is B. False. Both animate and inanimate objects can be made into three dimensions through 3-D modeling.

3. The answer to question 3 is A. True. 3-D modeling has indeed revolutionized animation by providing a more realistic representation of objects and characters in motion.

4. The answer to question 4 is A. 3-D artist. A 3-D artist is the person who uses their artistic skills and knowledge of the software to bring 3-D modeling to life.

5. The answer to question 5 is A. 3-D printing. Additive manufacturing is another term for 3-D printing, which involves creating physical objects layer by layer.

6. The answer to question 6 is B. A set of instructions. To manufacture physical objects using a 3-D printer, it needs to be fed with a set of instructions that specify how the object should be printed.

7. The answer to question 7 is C. Movement or motion. Curved lines are generally used in 3-D modeling where movement or motion is needed, as they can create the illusion of fluidity and dynamism.

8. The answer to question 8 is B. False. A complex combination of computer programs is typically required to bring a 3-D character to life, including modeling, rigging, animation, and rendering software.

9. The answer to question 9 is A. The ability to create flexible designs. One advantage of 3-D modeling is the ability to create flexible designs that can be easily modified and customized, allowing for efficient iteration and prototyping.

10. The answer to question 10 is B. Art. The computer graphics and 3-D models created by animators are often viewed as a form of art, as they involve creativity, expression, and visual aesthetics.

11. The answer to question 11 is B. Any two-dimensional shape formed with straight lines. Connectivity refers to the practice of joining polygons together to form a larger image or object with straight lines.

12. The answer to question 12 is B. False. Rendering in 3-D modeling refers to the process of generating a final image or animation from a 3-D model, which is not directly equivalent to developing a photograph from an old-fashioned camera.

13. The answer to question 13 is A. Curves. Curves are lines that are not straight and are used to change or distort a shape in 3-D modeling.

14. The answer to question 14 is A. True. Polygons are indeed the building blocks of 3D design, as complex images or objects are usually constructed by breaking them down into simpler shapes.

15. The answer to question 15 is B. False. The face of a shape refers to its flat surface, not the points at which the lines of the edges intersect.

Does anyone have the answers?

I am not taking this subject, you are. We are happy to help but not to simply do your work for you.