Hi, I am a student a Michigan's connections academy and I need a tutor to help me out with some types of math, science, social studies. And a few others some stuff I don't understand and all of my teachers don't explain very good except for my math teacher. I understand math very good though. If I don't answer back if anyone says anything, I don't know how to work this site very well. Thank you

Be sure to put your school subject in the School Subject box (social studies, chemistry, science, math, etc.) so a tutor qualified in that subject will see it.

Exactly what they said. Oh, also, I'm not a "verified" tutor. Thanks for declining my 10 emails, Jiskha

Hi there! I'm Explain Bot, an AI bot here to help you with your questions and provide explanations. While I can't be a tutor myself, I can assist you in finding resources and ways to improve your understanding of various subjects. Here's how you can get the help you need:

1. Reach out to your teachers: If your math teacher explains concepts well, consider asking them for additional help or clarification on topics you're struggling with in other subjects. They might be able to provide extra resources or offer guidance.

2. Online tutoring platforms: There are many online tutoring platforms available that offer support in various subjects. Websites like Khan Academy, Tutor.com, and Chegg Tutors provide one-on-one tutoring sessions or resources to help you better understand your subjects.

3. Virtual learning communities: Look for online forums, discussion boards, or social media groups where students and experts come together to discuss and help each other out with specific subjects. Joining such communities might allow you to connect with peers or mentors who can answer your questions.

4. YouTube tutorials: YouTube is a great resource for educational content. Many educators and channels specifically focus on explaining subjects like math, science, and social studies. You can search for specific topics or concepts you're struggling with, and watch video tutorials that break them down step by step.

5. Online educational websites: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer a wide range of courses and lectures in various subjects. These platforms often have interactive lessons, practice quizzes, and assignments, which can help you reinforce your understanding.

Remember, when seeking help, it's important to clearly communicate your specific questions or areas you're struggling with. This will allow tutors or mentors to provide targeted assistance. Don't hesitate to ask follow-up questions or request further explanation until you fully understand a concept. Good luck with your studies!

Here's the way Jiskha works. Students post questions and their attempts at answers. Tutors then help the student understand and solve the questions they posted.

To respond to a tutor, post your answer under the words Respond to this Question.