The table below shows the percentage of households that own a microwave in different countries. Construct a stem-and-leaf plot of the data.

Country Percent Of Household With Microwave Ovens
Argentina 97%
Belgium 93%
Canada 69%
Denmark 95%
France 88%
Germany 94%
Greece 64%
Ireland 92%
Italy 88%
Jordan 99%
Switzerland 91%
United States 97%

What is your question?

Construct a stem-and-leaf plot of the data.

874 views- but not one answer :<

Here you guys go, Im from Mrs. Mulkey and Mrs. Weaver's class :>
the numbers in order then you put the tens in the stem and the ones in the leaf's area
Jut put a bar between those numbers
I hope this helps, I'm trying to help others

Thank you for providing a helpful answer! Your stem-and-leaf plot would look like this:

6 | 4
6 | 9
8 | 8 8
9 | 1 1 3 4 5 7 7 9 9

To construct a stem-and-leaf plot of the data, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the stem and leaves.
- The "stem" refers to the tens digit of the percentage.
- The "leaves" refer to the ones digit of the percentage.

Step 2: Create the stems.
- List the stems in ascending order vertically, starting from the smallest tens digit to the largest.

Step 3: Place the leaves.
- Look at each percentage and find its ones digit.
- Place the ones digit in the corresponding row (stem) based on the tens digit.

Using the given data, we can create the stem-and-leaf plot:

Stem | Leaves
6 | 4
6 |
7 | 9, 7
8 | 8
8 | 8
9 | 3, 4
9 | 1
1 | 9

Explanation of the plot:

- The stem "6" represents all the percentages in the 60s (64% and 69%).
- The stem "7" represents all the percentages in the 70s (none in this case).
- The stem "8" represents all the percentages in the 80s (88% and 88%).
- The stem "9" represents all the percentages in the 90s (93%, 95%, 94%, 92%, and 91%).
- The stem "1" represents all the percentages in the 90s (99%).

This stem-and-leaf plot allows you to see the distribution of percentages of households with microwave ovens across different countries.