Speed of the bus is 72 km per hour speed of the car is 15.5 meter per second which moves fast??

3600 s per hr

convert one of the units

72km/h = 72000m/3600s = m/s.

To determine which vehicle is moving faster, we need to convert the units to either kilometers per hour or meters per second.

Speed of the bus = 72 km/h
Speed of the car = 15.5 m/s

Since both speeds are given in different units, we can convert one of them to the other unit to make a comparison.

Converting speed of car from meters per second (m/s) to kilometers per hour (km/h):

1 meter per second (m/s) = 3.6 kilometers per hour (km/h)

Speed of the car = 15.5 m/s * 3.6 km/h (conversion factor)
= 55.8 km/h (approx.)

Now that both speeds are in the same unit (km/h), we can compare them:

Speed of the bus = 72 km/h
Speed of the car = 55.8 km/h

Therefore, the bus is moving faster than the car.