This is just a question based on something else that I read. Isn't locking doors to prevent usage illegal? If so, what is the name of the offense that people commit when they do that?

I don't understand. Certainly locking the doors of my house, or garage, or outbuildings is not illegal.

17. Your kids can use the bathroom whenever they need to.

My son used to come home from school everyday and race to the bathroom. Apparently, they liked to keep the bathrooms locked to prevent kids from using them too much. Believe me, if he would’ve gotten a UTI, I would’ve sent the bill to the principal.

In my 32 years of teaching plus the requisite amount of years learning in public schools, I never heard of such a thing. Apparently that is not happening to your son any more.

Locking doors to prevent usage is not inherently illegal, as it depends on the context and intent behind it. However, in some cases, intentionally locking doors to hinder access can be illegal. The specific offense people may commit in such situations can vary based on jurisdiction and specific circumstances. One possible offense is known as "false imprisonment" or "unlawful detention."

To get a definitive answer for your specific jurisdiction, it is important to consult local laws or legal professionals who can provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding the legality of locking doors to prevent usage in your area. Laws can vary by country, state, or even local municipalities, so it's essential to verify the relevant regulations wherever you are.