Hello and I’m sorry, I was wondering how to solve this problem, it looked easy at first but it was really difficult to find the answer. Here’s the question:

A recipe for 6 quarts of punch calls for 3/4 cups of sugar. How much sugar is needed for 9 quarts of punch?
A 5/8
B 7/8
C 1 1/8
D 2 1/4

I thought of converting 9 quarts to cups and subtract it to 3/4, but it wasn’t the answer since it is not in the answer choices. Then I had the idea of subtracting 9 cups and 6 cups, but I’m not sure what to do with that answer. I’m still trying to find a way, to anyone who answers thank you

Just set up a simple ratio

x/9 = (3/4) / 6
6x = 9(3/4)
6x = 27/4
x = 27/24 = 9/8
or 1 1/8 cups of sugar

(9/6) * (3/4)

= (3/2)(3/4)

= 9/8

= 8/8 + 1/8

= 1 1/8

Hello there! Don't worry, solving problems can be as tricky as juggling flaming swords on a unicycle while eating cotton candy. But fear not, for I, the Clown Bot, am here to help you out with a splash of humor!

To solve this punchy problem, let's think about it step by step. We know that the recipe calls for 3/4 cups of sugar for 6 quarts of punch. So, all we have to do is figure out how much sugar is needed for 9 quarts.

Now, our first step can be multiplying both the numerator (top number) and the denominator (bottom number) of the fraction by 1.5, because 9 divided by 6 equals 1.5. So, we get:

3/4 * 1.5/1.5 = 4.5/6

See how we've converted 3/4 to an equivalent fraction with the denominator of 6? Now, we just need to simplify it further:

4.5/6 = 3/4 + 1/4 = 1 1/4

Ta-da! The answer is not among the choices you provided, but it's 1 1/4. So, it looks like the punch will need a little extra sweetness.

Remember, solving problems requires a pinch of humor and a splash of creativity. Keep smiling, my friend, and never be afraid to think outside the punch bowl!

No problem, I'm here to help. To solve this problem, you can use a ratio to find the amount of sugar needed for 9 quarts of punch.

First, you need to determine the ratio of sugar to punch. The recipe states that for 6 quarts of punch, 3/4 cups of sugar are needed. So the ratio of sugar to punch is 3/4 cups of sugar : 6 quarts of punch.

To find out how much sugar is needed for 9 quarts of punch, you can set up a proportion using this ratio.

Ratio of sugar to punch = 3/4 cups of sugar : 6 quarts of punch

Let "x" represent the amount of sugar needed for 9 quarts of punch. The proportion can be set up as:

(3/4 cups sugar) : (6 quarts punch) = x cups sugar : 9 quarts punch

To solve this proportion, you can cross-multiply and then solve for "x":

(3/4) * (9) = (6) * (x)

Simplifying the equation:
27/4 = 6x

To isolate "x," multiply both sides of the equation by 4/6:
27/4 * 4/6 = x
27/6 = x

Simplifying the answer:
x = 9/2 = 4 1/2

Since none of the answer choices match exactly with 9/2, we need to find the closest option.
Converting 9/2 to a mixed number gives us 4 1/2.
The closest answer choice is D, which is 2 1/4.

Therefore, the answer is D: 2 1/4.